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Thomas Lubanga alongwe kati na bato ya etumbu ya ONU

Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga who was convicted in March 2012 of recruiting and using child soldiers in 2002 and 2003, waits for the judges to rule on his appeal at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Dec. 1, 2014.
Congolese militia leader Thomas Lubanga who was convicted in March 2012 of recruiting and using child soldiers in 2002 and 2003, waits for the judges to rule on his appeal at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Dec. 1, 2014.

Thomas Lubanga alongolami na nkasa ya bato mabe na Conseil ya securité ya Nations unies.

Conseil ya sécurité ezwi mokano ya kolongola etumbu to bokongami bwa bozwi bonso ya M. Lubunga lundi.

M. Lubanga, na mibu 59, asilisa etumbu ya mibu pene zomi na mitano na boloko na Cour pénale internationale na Haye mpo na kozwa bana na lingomba ya batomboki UPC (Union des patriotes congolais) azalaki kokamba na bitumba ya Ituri kati na 1999 kino 2003.

Alekisaki mobu moko na boloko na Kinshasa nsima na Haye.

M. Lubanga akangamaka na mars na 2005 na Kinshasa.

Azali sika na Itrui na baninga baye bakambi ba kala ba mangomba ya basimba minduki mpo kosenga babundi kokitisa manduki.